Wage and Social Dumping in Austria After 10 Years of the Open Labour Market

The subject of this study is wage and social dumping caused by posted workers and temporary workers that are sent to Austria from abroad. Since the opening of the labour market in 2011, 10 years have passed – an occasion to research the developments that are now taking place within wage and social dumping with a look to the future.

The study is based on five former studies on the same subject that were previously carried out by L&R Social Research. Selected results of these earlier studies will be reconsidered for elaboration with current data, developments and positions.

A multi-method approach on a qualitative and quantitative basis will be used.

New, in comparison to the prior studies, is the specific focus on chosen sectors as well as the concentration on context analyses and international good-practice approaches.

Topics: Labour Market
Tags: Bau, BUAK, Entsendung, Landwirtschaft, Lohndumping, Sozialdumping, Transport, Überlassung, ZKO3, ZKO4
Client: Chamber of Labour Vienna
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Helga Reichert
Status: beendet
from: 2020 to: 2021
