Report of the Federal Government on the reduction of disadvantages for women for the reporting period 2005-2006

Pursuant to the “Federal law on reports of the Federal Government
concerning the reduction of disadvantages for woman” (Federal Law Gazette
837/1992), the Austrian Federal Government has to report each second calendar
year to the National Assembly on appropriate measures and activities. L&R
Social Research was commissioned by the Federal Chancellery, to prepare the
“Federal report of the Federal Government concerning the reduction of
disadvantages for woman for the reporting period 2005 – 2006” and to
thereby document the activities of all Federal Ministries and of the Federal
Chancellery concerning the reduction of social, family, and economic
disadvantages of women.

Topics: Gender, Women's Issues
Client: Federal Chancellery
Team: Claudia Sorger
Status: beendet
from: 2007 to: 2007