Men’s share of care for children and professional care

The common articel (Elli Scambor, Majda Hrzenjak,
Øystein Gullvåg Holter and Nadja Bergmann) is based on the “Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality”. It
shows a remarkable change in men’s participation in care for children and
domestic work in certain parts of Europe. Especially in Northern countries of Europe,
men became more involved in care-giving roles between 2005 and 2010 while in
the same period of time, decreases in the men’s share were reported, especially
from some Southern and Post-socialist countries with low share rates. On the
other hand, there has been a growing under-representation of men in
professional care work. Data indicate that in the past decade this already
heavily feminised sector has experienced a further decline in the participation
of men. Based on intersectional analysis, the paper discusses the most relevant
factors associated with men’s larger involvement in care for children and
professional care. The variation of men’s share runs both between and within
countries, with socio-economic position as one important variable.

The articel can be downloaded here.

Topics: Education and Training, EU-Programs, Gender, Labour Market, Non Standard Employment, Women's Issues, xxOther Topics
Team: Nadja Bergmann
Status: beendet
from: 2015 to: 2015
