Evaluation of the two Mingo coaching offers: coaching for the foundation of enterprises and counselling on financing

The Mingo offer addresses founders of enterprises in Vienna and aims to find individual solutions for specific problems encountered by entrepreneurs in an uncomplicated manner. In 2011, L&R already conducted an evaluation of the instrument of coaching for the foundation of enterprises. The current evaluation project additionally involves the second coaching instrument of Mingo, which is counselling on financing.

On a quantitative level, the aim is to determine the number of implemented foundation projects, the evolution of these enterprises and the implications of the projects in terms of employment; on a more qualitative level, assessment of the Mingo offer and further support needs are of particular interest. Quantitative as well as qualitative data collection methods are used; hence, aside from a structural analysis of participation data and an online survey of all participants, qualitative interviews with selected founders have also been conducted since 2008.

Topics: Evaluation Research, Labour Market
Client: Vienna business agency
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Petra Wetzel, Susanne Schmatz
Status: beendet
from: 2013 to: 2014