Employment careers of apprentices in Vienna by branches

It is a fact, that apprentices after completing their training are
confronted with extremely differing continuing employment possibilities
depending on the branch. There are however hardly any assured findings on which
branch scores well in this respect and which branches are to be considered
problematic, because they only offer reduced chances of employment and are
detrimental for the youth’s future. It can however be safely assumed that
unemployment is high in some branches, such as e.g. trade and tourism. How the
employment dynamics typical for the respective branch actually influence the
employment careers of youths, which alternative strategies are selected by the
youths, and which medium and long-term effects these have has not been
investigated at the present point in time.The issue of branch-specific
continuative employment possibilities for apprentices is among other things
also very important when discussing promotional instruments. This research work
aimed at resolving these information gaps.

Editor of the publication: Wien, L&R Sozialforschung
Client: Chamber of Labour Vienna
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder
from: 2007 to: 2007