Contribution of the Vienna Employment Promotion Fund to extraordinary apprenticeship certificates

As part of the project to be carried out by Synthesis GmbH, “Contribution of the Vienna Employment Promotion Fund (waff) to extraordinary apprenticeship certificates in Vienna”, L&R Social Research, as a subcontractor, conducted a telephone survey of waff-customers in its own telephone laboratory. In addition, L&R was responsible for the development of the questionnaire and ensured the ongoing scientific quality assurance of the survey. After completion of the survey, a final plausibility check of the entered data and a correction of the data set were carried out.

In addition, multivariate analyses were carried out in the form of factor analyses, which served to reduce the large number of variables collected to a few. Finally, indices were formed in order to make the extracted factors accessible to further statistical analyses.

Topics: Evaluation Research, Labour Market, Non Standard Employment, Social Issues, Youth
Team: Ferdinand Lechner, Lisa Danzer
Status: beendet
from: 2015 to: 2015