Conference: Gender Mainstreaming in Austria – Equality policy between utopia and realisation

The Gender Mainstreaming conference organised by L&R Social Research
and commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour was
conceived as an interface between the past ESF period 2000 to 2006 and the new
ESF period 2007 to 2013 as well as a closing event of the GeM Co-ordination
Unit. The conference should offer the opportunity for reflection, exchange of
information, and networking on basis of the experiences gained so far
concerning the realisation of Gender Mainstreaming. The GM conference should
enable discussion on the past Gender Mainstreaming realisation experiences in
labour market, social, and educational policy. Moreover, proposals for the
realisation of Gender Mainstreaming in the new ESF period were collected.
Objective of the conference was to critically survey the past realisation of
Gender Mainstreaming, to identify weak points, to disseminate successful
examples, to collect ideas, in order to further strengthen the Gender
Mainstreaming strategy and finally to initiate future co-operation and projects
and therefore to trigger impulses for the new ESF period 2007 to 2013.