Social and Psychological Stress of Austrian Farmers and Foresters and the Importance of Support Services to Improve Farmers’ Well-being

Farmers and foresters are confronted with high physical, psychological, social and economic pressures and stress. Increasing economic uncertainty and higher prices, harvest losses due to extreme weather linked to climate change, physically challenging work and a lack of staff or issues with the company takeover are just some of the factors that can have a straining impact on the well-being.

The aim of the research project is a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the central psychological, social and physical stress factors and their effects on the health, well-being and working conditions of farmers and foresters in Austria. In addition, existing support services will be evaluated and potential gaps and adaptation options will be identified together with the target group.

Following qualitative and quantitative survey and analysis methods are combined to answer the research questions:

  • a comprehensive literature and secondary data analysis
  • selected interviews with experts
  • a representative quantitative survey among Austrian farmers and foresters
  • qualitative individual, couple and family interviews with people from the target group
  • Group discussions with farmers and foresters, service providers and experts

The project is conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management and is supported by a steering group consisting of representatives from the Federal Ministry, the Chamber of Agriculture, the Rural Training Institute (Ländlichen Fortbildungsinstituts, LFI), the Social Insurance for the Self-Employed (SVS), the “Maschinenring”, the “Landjugend” and “Gesundheit Österreich”.

Topics: Unkategorisiert
Client: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management
Team: Lisa Danzer, Nadja Bergmann, Nicolas Pretterhofer, Petra Wetzel, Ronja Nikolatti
Status: laufend, Ongoing
from: 2024 to: 2025