Gender mainstreaming in the framework of the research, technology and innovation strategy of the city of Vienna

A research, technology and innovation strategy of the city of Vienna (abbreviated FTI strategy) was developed with support and coordination of the municipal department 27. Expert panels were organised on the four topical issues during development of the FTI strategy, in order to identify the respective challenges and possible actions for their field of activity.Gender mainstreaming should be an inherent horizontal issue during strategy development as well as in the strategy itself. L&R Social Research was assigned to support the implementation of gender mainstreaming. L&R Social Research used three modules to support the implementation of gender mainstreaming:

  • Module 1: A basic text and checklist on the various topical issues (prepared in October 2006) for the expert panels concerning the implementation of gender mainstreaming
  • Module 2: The preparation of proposals as regards contents on the horizontal topic of gender mainstreaming for the various topical issues (Finalisation: beginning of 2007)
  • Module 3: Half-time review of gender mainstreaming implementation so far and the appropriately tuned further offers for the expert panels and municipal department 27 (2007)
Topics: Gender, Women's Issues
Client: Vienna Municipal Council, MA 27
Team: Nadja Bergmann, Susanne Schmatz
Status: beendet
from: 2006 to: 2007