Mismatch unemployment in Upper Austria

The study was compiled in co-operation between L&R Social Research
and the research group equi at the Institute for Higher Studies and Research.
The study examined in detail unemployment factors in Upper Austria caused by
mismatch. The analysis was thereby based on three approaches. In a first
step, so-called mismatch indicators were developed using econometric
methods. In a second step, unemployed persons were interviewed
face-to-face and requested to assess the factors causing their unemployment
episodes. The findings of the first and second steps were finally
contrasted with the experiences of companies (telephone interviews) not able to
fill a vacancy for a longer period. The objective of the study was to use
the three analysis results to gain deeper insight into the causes and effect
interactions of unemployment caused by mismatch factors.

Client: Chamber of Labour Upper Austria
Team: Andrea Leitner, Elfriede Wagner, Peter Prenner
from: 2007 to: 2007
