The introduction of the child care benefit in Austria. Catches and opportunities

Presentation given during the event “Child benefit – Catches and opportunities” on 16 April 2007 in the Palais Strudlhof, 1090 Vienna
Main topics of the presentation:

  • Control effect with regard to the number of persons drawing benefits
  • Main arguments of women against partitioning
  • Newly added groups of persons drawing benefits
  • Development of the benefit duration
  • Development of additional incomes
  • Problems with the additional income limits
  • Job stability with additional income – high job stability
  • Reentry processes – frequent reentry in the first 12 months, reduced number of returnees in the second year of the child; decoupling between leave under labour law and leave benefit
  • Reduced earned income of women at re-entry; not only due to increased partial time activity, but also due to de-qualification, changed areas of responsibility and job change processes
  • Clearly reduced job stability for women after the end of benefit entitlement due to decoupling between leave under labour law and leave benefit
  • Structure of not planned changes of job
Topics: Education and Training, Evaluation Research, Gender, Labour Market, Social Issues, Women's Issues
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder
Status: beendet
from: 2007 to: 2007
