Quality of part-time employment and improvement of the position of women on the employment market

The primary aim of the research project was to investigate the quality of part-time jobs and positive examples for the implementation and promotion of high-quality part-time employment. To reach this aim we focused on the following:

  • Description of the gender-specific structure and the development of part-time employment and the quality of part-time jobs
  • Analysis of the characteristics of part-time jobs (such as sector, income, qualification levels) and the importance of the general conditions for the quality of part-time jobs and high-quality part-time employment
  • Investigation and analysis of international good-practice examples regarding the promotion of high-quality part-time employment of women and men, especially in executive positions
  • Situation of part-time employees regarding: experiences with working time regulations in the job, especially of excess work and overtime; unpaid work and provision of support and care of others (family level; institutional level; private services); expectations and wishes regarding part-time employment, further working time perspective
  • Investigation and analysis of the importance of intercompany and other (e.g. legal) measures for a successful implementation and promotion of high-quality part-time employment
  • Investigation and analysis of positive examples of the implementation and promotion of high-quality part-time employment in companies, with a special focus on male employees and employees in executive positions
  • Evaluation of the contribution of quality part-time employment for the equality of women and men.
Client: Federal Chancellery
Team: Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann
from: 2008 to: 2009
