International Women’s Day in the media from 1990 to 2010. Selective analysis of a selection of print media

2011 marked the 100th anniversary of the International
Women’s Day. This event constituted an occasion to analyze the images conveyed
by the media over the last 20 years: What image do the media convey of this
important day for women’s politics? What topics are addressed? What people and
institutions are linked to this day? What are the images of women and women’s
politics that are conveyed? And in what way have the answers to these questions
changed over the last 20 years? The aim of the study at hand was to reveal the
opinion on women’s issues as conveyed by the media and identify any changes
throughout time (1990 until 2010) by analyzing the news coverage on the
international women’s day in selected media. For this purpose, out of the daily newspapers one tabloid,
the “Kronenzeitung”, and one quality newspaper, the
“Standard”, were selected for analysis together with the women’s
weekly magazine “Woman”. The contents of the articles were analyzed
according to quantitative aspects (length, images, number of articles, named
persons, topics and institutions) and selected qualitative aspects.

Topics: Women's Issues
Client: Vienna Municipal Council, MA 57
Team: Nadja Bergmann, Susanne Schmatz
Status: beendet
from: 2010 to: 2011
