Evaluation of Intercompany Vocational Training (ÜBA)

In view of the high number of apprenticeship position
seekers who have not found a suitable company-based apprenticeship position,
intercompany apprenticeship training was implemented in 1998 as a safety net.
The aim of this programme was to enable the transfer of apprentices to a
company-based apprenticeship. Intercompany apprenticeship underwent
considerable reform measures in 2008. Thereby, two models were designed: ÜBA
type 1 and ÜBA type 2. Both models share the objective of participants being
placed in a regular apprenticeship; however, while ÜBA type 1 is a training
model that allows for the completion of the entire apprenticeship within a
training institution or a training institution in cooperation with a company,
ÜBA type 2 aims at a shorter training period within the training institution,
followed by a transfer to a company-based apprenticeship. In addition, ÜBA also
offers the integrative vocational training programme (IBA), which includes the
options of either partial qualification or an extended training period. Since
the intercompany apprenticeship training was a costly package of measures, it was
to be assessed critically in the framework of an evaluation. To do so, the experiences of the promoters of
the project were identified, the view of relevant actors (public employment
service (AMS), social partners and representatives of the provincial
governments) were collected, and the companies which train in-company and
intercompany apprentices were interviewed. In addition, participants’ data
were assessed for the documentation of the success rates of ÜBA to date.

Topics: Education and Training, Labour Market, Youth
Client: Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Ferdinand Lechner, Ina Matt, Nadja Bergmann
Status: beendet
from: 2010 to: 2011
