Evaluation c mon 14 Styria. Transition management for 14-17 year-old youths

The c’mon 14 project aimed at motivating youths between 14 and 17 years of age who are threatened by social exclusion to continue or return to school or continuing training with the help of individual long-term counselling. This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. In cooperation with the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) and the Styria province, c’mon 14 is was implemented by ÖSB Consulting GmbH Styria. The project was undertaken in cooperation with schools and youth facilities in Graz and the greater Graz region as well as in Upper Styria. The evaluation was conducted simultaneously with the project.

In the framework of the evaluation, desk studies were used to determine success factors of transition management in other national and international projects. Youths who participated in measures by c’mon 14 were interviewed by phone. Case studies served to collect the assessment of actors from within and outside of the schools and of actors from educational and employment market policy. In addition, a cost analysis of the project was undertaken and possible prognosis scenarios are developed.

Topics: Education and Training, Evaluation Research, Youth
Client: ÖSB Consulting
Team: Georg Brandenburg, Ina Matt, Petra Wetzel, Susanne Schmatz
Status: beendet
from: 2011 to: 2012
