Monitoring and analysis of the status quo of youth work outside schools in Vienna

The securing and further development of youth work outside schools in Vienna is to be more strongly based on evidence in the future. L&R Social Research supported the city of Vienna, municipal department 13, area youth, in this effort by offering various kinds of services in the fields of research and counselling:

  • Counselling and assistance in the creation of a Vienna-wide monitoring in the field of youth work outside schools
  • Performing status quo analyses of the various types of offers within youth work outside schools based on regular surveys (area covered, target groups reached, contents of offers, etc.
  • Conducting representative interviews with youths and creation of intersectional user profiles of youth work outside schools
  • Performing a needs analysis in order to gather and provide background information for current and future needs of youth work outside schools
Topics: Social Issues, Youth
Client: Vienna Municipal Council, MA 13
Team: Claudia Sorger, Lisa Danzer, Nadja Bergmann
Status: beendet
from: 2012 to: 2014