A Career Development Centre for Moldova

L&R Social Research was implementing the project “A career development centre for Moldova” as a model for dual education in the construction sector. As part of the project, pilot training programmes were planned for qualification and higher qualification of at least 120 construction experts and at least 30 unemployed young people. The project was initiated following the decision in Moldovan politics to propel the expansion of the road network. This decision had revealed a shortage of skilled workers in the construction sector, many of whom had left the country in the past.

The project “A career development centre for Moldova” was sponsored by a working group which was presided by the Austrian construction company STRABAG SE and was implemented with the participation of the BFI vocational training institute of Burgenland. Among the partners and participants were also the Moldovan Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, the Moldovan Ministry of Construction and Regional Development, Concordia Social Projects, the Moldovan employment service, the College of Construction of Chisinau, and an umbrella organisation for construction companies. In addition, other vocational training schools and NGOs were involved when required.
The participating enterprises who offer the practical training units also played an important role in this cooperation. The different functions of this project came into play when required and ensured the sustainability of the project even after the funding period.

The focus areas of the project were:

  • Setting up an infrastructure of expert partners
  • Setting up an organisation structure for the career development centre
  • Train-the-trainer programme
  • Development and submission of curricula for approval
  • Training of mentors in the member enterprises
  • Analysis of potential, vocational orientation and job coaching
  • Pilot training programmes in selected shortage occupations
  • Pilot training programmes for implementation of the practice-oriented dual system in the existing colleges
  • Public relations
Topics: Labour Market
Client: Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Team: Walter Reiter
Status: beendet
from: 2014 to: 2014