Gender Pay Gap: New Solutions for an Old Problem Developing transnational strategies together with Trade Unions and gender Equality Units to tackle the Gender Pay Gap

In many European countries the issue of unequal pay is on political agendas and has gained certain relevance in public, in the media and in research discourses. But statistics on gender pay gaps show however that much more needs to be done to enable effective improvement. Hence the main objective of this project was s to develop new, innovative strategies to tackle the gender pay gap. The project focused on the role of trade unions and other relevant stakeholders such as gender equality units and the possibilities to strengthen their influences in combating the gender pay gap.

Participating countries were Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Germany and Spain as well as representatives from European institutions including the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation). The researchers from each country cooperated with representatives from trade unions and gender equality units and elaborated country specific in-depth research: a country context analysis and sector specific analysis including the financial and insurance sector and the health sector.

This project was funded by the PROGRESS Programme of the European Union

Topics: EU-Programs, Gender, Labour Market, Social Issues, Women's Issues
Client: CESI - Center for Education, Counselling and Research
Team: Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann
Status: beendet
from: 2014 to: 2015
