Quality assessment to the designation procedure according to Regulation (EU) 1303-2013 – Article 123f

In the programming period 2014 to 2020 Managing Authorities and Certifying Authorities of the ESI-Funds have to be appointed officially before their first payment request to the Commission of the European Union. All regulations and processes have to be described in the Management and Control System.

L&R supported the Managing Authority of the ESF in Austria regarding

  • the formulation, evaluation and consolidation of the documents, descriptions and procedures which are necessary for the designation procedure.
  • the communication of requirements and their evaluation.

The main focus of this project was on meeting the new requirements of the Management and Control Systems (e.g. annual accounting, management declaration, E-Cohesion, fraud risk assessment…) on the one hand, and on ensuring coherence of the documents one the other hand.

Topics: Development Cooperation, EU-Programs, Evaluation Research, International Cooperation, Labour Market, Social Issues
Client: Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Team: Sigrid Köhl
Status: beendet
from: 2014 to: 2015