mobilTIMES – concepts for a multifunctional usage of the mobility-time budget

mobilTIMES is trying to find application-oriented solutions to enhance the mobility-time budget. This includes an interdisciplinary and comprehensively examination of the topic “multitasking”. On the basis of time logs, empirical surveys and an explorative field test (design, equipment, urban and operational mobility management…) implementation strategies and concepts were developed in cooperation with public transport operators, enterprises and municipalities. The main aim was to make a switch to the public transport system more attractive.

The project was funded in the context of the programme “mobility of the future” by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency. It was conducted in cooperation with:

Topics: Sustainability
Team: Nadja Bergmann, Petra Wetzel
Status: beendet
from: 2017 to: 2017
