Presentation of the study: This is how we live today … Viennese female industrial workers tell about their lives. In the footsteps of Käthe Leichter.

On November 21, 2018, Nadja Bergmann and Claudia Sorger presented the study on the situation of female industrial workers in Vienna.


  • Welcoming words: Renate Anderl, President of the Vienna Chamber of Labour and Kathrin Gaál, City Councellor
  • Presentation of the study: Claudia Sorger and Nadja Bergmann, L&R Social Research
  • Supporting program: “Jössas a Weib” – A feminist puppet revue with “theaterfink”,
    Excerpts from the film “Frauenleben – Frauenlos”, 1931
Tags: Industriearbeiter
Team: Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann
Status: beendet
from: 2018 to: 2018
