National expertise for implementing the Treaty principle on “equal pay for equal work or work of equal value”

consulting company ICF has been commissioned by the European Commission’s
Directorate General for Justice and Consumers to conduct a Study to support the
evaluation of the relevant provisions in EU law, in particular, Directive
2006/54/EC, implementing the Treaty principle on ‘equal pay for equal work or
work of equal value’.

study aims to evaluate the implementation of the EU equal pay provisions, their
enforcement and the protection of victims of discrimination in the EU Member
States, including pay transparency measures following the 2014 Pay Transparency
Recommendation. The study will look at the relevance, coherence, effectiveness,
efficiency and EU added value of EU provisions in this regard.

Nadja Bergmann and Claudia Sorger has been commissioned to support
the study as national experts, conducting the research and analysis for

Topics: International Cooperation, Labour Market
Tags: Diskriminierung, Entgelt, EU, Lohn
Team: Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann
Status: beendet
from: 2019 to: 2019