Evaluation of the Contact Points for People with Qualifications Gained Abroad during the Period 2017-2020

In order to provide support to people with the recognition and assessment of their foreign qualifications, four contact points (AST) were set up in 2013 and were institutionalised in the context of the Austrian Recognition and Evaluation Act in 2016:

  • Vienna contact point (AST Wien) and Lower Austria and Northern Burgenland contact point (AST NÖ) in Vienna (responsible body: counselling centre for migrants)
  • Contact Point Upper Austria and Salzburg (AST OÖ – AST Salzburg) in Linz (responsible body: migrare – centre for migrants in Upper Austria)
  • Contact Point Styria, Carinthia und Southern Burgendland (AST Steiermark – AST Kärnten) in Graz (responsible body: ZEBRA – Intercultural Counselling and Therapy Centre)
  • Contact Point Tyrol and Vorarlberg (AST Tirol – AST Vorarlberg) in Innsbruck (responsible body: ZeMiT – centre for migrants in Tyrol)

The work of the contact points (ASTs) within the years 2017 to 2020 was the subject of the evaluation in order to connect the results to the first evaluation for the period 2013 to 2016. The focus is on questions of goal achievement and impact analysis.

Topics: Education and Training, Labour Market
Tags: Anerkennung, Ausbildung, Bildung, Bildungsabschluss, Nostrifikation
Client: Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection/ Federal Ministry of Labour, Family and Youth
Team: Ferdinand Lechner, Katharina Aufhauser, Lisa Danzer, Petra Wetzel
Status: beendet
from: 2020 to: 2021
