Evaluation of Labour Law Regulations on Home Office “Home Office Package of Measures 2021”

In November 2022, L&R Social Research was commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy to evaluate the labour law provisions of the Home Office Package of Measures 2021. The core of the evaluation is the question of the extent to which the home office package of measures 2021 has improved the conditions under labour law for the performance of work in a home office and whether a sufficient legal basis has been created. The content of this question is determined by whether

  • the regulations do justice to a modern working world,
  • the regulations meet the requirements of company practice,
  • the regulations support a good work-life balance, and
  • the regulations are conducive to health protection (in the broadest sense, not only in the context of the pandemic).

For this purpose, almost 1,500 employees and over 500 companies were surveyed, case studies were conducted and interviews with experts were held. The report was finished in July 2023.

Topics: Digitalization, Labour Market
Tags: Gesetz, Heimarbeit, Telearbeit, telework
Client: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
Team: Barbara Glück, Claudia Sorger, Flavia Enengl, Jörg Mirtl, Lisa Danzer, Nadja Bergmann
Status: beendet
from: 2022 to: 2023
