Evaluation TrainingFit (AFit) and pre-Module

AusbildungsFit and the pre-module belong to the offers of the network of vocational assistance and play an important role when it comes to supporting young people at risk of exclusion or young people who cannot find a regular training place on their way to sustainable vocational integration. Low-threshold access is important here.

This low-threshold access is also a central factor for the planned evaluation. In a participatory approach, the focus will be on the participants, graduates and dropouts of AusbildungsFit or the pre-module itself.

In addition, the expert opinion of different groups will be collected: trainers and coaches in the projects, employees from youth coaching and other offers, interface actors and representatives from partner companies.

The aim is to develop practice-oriented recommendations for optimising the AFit programmes and the pre-modules with regard to the interface work, factors for the needs-based coverage of the participant structure and possible improvements in the coverage of needs and for the best possible and sustainable labour market and educational integration of the participants.

Topics: Education and Training, Labour Market
Client: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Team: Barbara Willsberger, Claudia Sorger, Lucas Meyer, Ronja Nikolatti
Status: laufend
from: 2022 to: 2023