On 15 October 2024, ‘Wanted – Promoting access to apprenticeships’ will kick off a series of events focusing on vocational education and training


IBW, IHS, L&R Social Research, öibf and WIFO cordially invite you to our first VET Jour Fixe on Tuesday, 15 October 2024. The event will take place at the IHS (Josefstädter Straße 39, 1080 Vienna; Lecture Room E02) and will start at 4 pm (end approx. 5.30 pm).
In times of a shortage of skilled workers, this Jour-Fixe is dedicated to a topic relevant to the future: ‘Wanted – Promoting access to teaching’. The aim is to discuss approaches to tackle the problem.
To kick off the series of events, IBW, IHS, L&R Social Research, öibf and WIFO will provide input on specific challenges and focal points:

Increasing demands and decreasing entry competences in teaching? (Helmut Dornmayr, IBW)
Where is potential for apprenticeship training being lost? (Mario Steiner, IHS)
Effectiveness of gender-sensitive programmes (Nadja Bergmann, L&R Social Research)
Vocational orientation – status quo and need for action (Roland Löffler, öibf)
Access to vocational training for refugees (Julia Bock-Schappelwein, WIFO)

Johannes Kopf (CEO AMS) and Ursula Bazant (Head of the Railway & Apprenticeship Training Centre, ÖBB Infrastruktur AG) will report on strategies in their institutions and discuss these with the audience.
Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for informal dialogue over snacks and drinks.

The colleagues from IHS ask you to register by Friday, 11 October 2024 at https://forms.office.com/e/KAGe20sz3Z