Safe Together – Safe nightlife in Vienna


Within the project ‘Safe Together – Safe Going Out in Vienna for Young Women’, on behalf of the Women’s Service of the City of Vienna (MA57), the practices, problems and challenges of young people – especially girls and young women – when going out in Vienna will be examined.


A total of eight focus groups will be conducted with young women and men aged between 14 and 21 in Vienna. The main questions are: How and where do young people go out? How do they prepare for it? Are there special ‘strategies’ to feel (more) safe? What experiences do they have when going out in Vienna?


The focus groups will take place in October and November 2024 and will last around two to a maximum of three hours. For registrations and/or questions, please contact:


Further information on the project can be found at Safe Together – Safe nightlife in Vienna – L&R Sozialforschung (