Safe Together – Safe nightlife in Vienna

As a study by the Vienna Club Commission (2023) points out, negative experiences are widespread in nightlife: 65 per cent of all respondents have experienced discrimination, harassment or assault at least once personally when going out.

The project ‘Safe Together – Safe nightlife in Vienna for young women’ aims to analyse the practices, problem areas and risks that young people – especially girls and young women – face when going out in Vienna. The aim is to provide recommendations for the development of a workshop concept by the Women’s Service of the City of Vienna (MA57).

A total of eight qualitative focus groups will be conducted with young people from Vienna aged between 14 and 21. The specific questions addressed are how young people, especially young women, experience going out, what problems they perceive or deal with, what strategies they, their families or actors who play a role in going out (must) pursue in order to be safe and what wishes and suggestions young women (and men) have in order to make nightlife safer for everyone in Vienna.

Client: Vienna Municipal Council, MA 57
Team: Barbara Glück, Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann, Ronja Nikolatti
from: 2024 to: 2024