Conference “Fair, Green and Digital Transition in Education and Labour Market Policies in the Danube Region”


The 12th International Stakeholder Conference of EUSDR Priority Area 9 titled “Fair, Green and Digital Transition in Education and Labour Market Policies in the Danube Region” took place on May 23, 2024, in Vienna, Austria in the framework of the Austrian EUSDR presidency. We welcomed more than 90 participants in Vienna.

The conference was hosted by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of Austria, and addressed the region’s profound transformations, emphasizing the development of green skills, adaptation to digital technologies, inclusivity for vulnerable groups, and the importance of youth involvement.

Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and working groups, participants explored challenges and opportunities, exchanged on related policies and initiatives and shared good practices. One working group was hosted by representatives of the EUSDR Danube Youth Council and tackled these topics from the perspective of young people.


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